Your goal is to get as many Probes as possible so you maximize your mineral income. However it is a viable option, so we will cover it. This is considered less than kind and often referred to as a cheese technique due to the general dislike of such underhanded tactics.

Regardless, this force will be enough to put your enemy in his place and give you time to expand, or crush him entirely if he is not prepared. If you are facing Terran, you may need to get 2 Sentries so you have access to Guardian Shield. If you are facing another Protoss or Zerg, this is likely to be more than enough to contain them and possibly kill them. It will only take a few minutes and you should have an army of 15+ units. As your Gateways finish, begin pumping out Zealots first, then once the Cybernetic Core completes, start having 1 Gateway build Stalkers while the others do Zealots. Only build 1 Assimilator and try to limit your Pylon production to only what is necessary. If you want to apply some early aggression, build up your Probes heavily and get 3 Gateways and a Cybernetic Core. This can be used to your advantage when building up in the early minutes of a match. The one thing the Protoss have above the other races is that their units are powerful even without upgrades. Below are a few early game army builds to give players some ideas on what they could try. Whatever your choice, make sure to constantly be building Probes and using Chrono Boost as often as possible, you will need that money. If instead you desire some early game aggression, you can place a second and third Gateway, or another Gateway and a Cybernetic Core to still get some more units going while allowing you to tech further. These can be invaluable for fending off your enemies in the early game. This will allow you to plop down Photon Cannons.

For newer players, it is usually best to build your Forge next. After your Gateway is done, you have a few choices. A Pylon and Gateway are all that is needed for that. Unlike the Terran, you can not make a complete wall without blocking yourself in but you can make the entrance so small that units have to funnel in 1 at a time. Starting out a match, it is important to wall off your entrance. No starting army is complete without one. For nearly the same cost as a Stalker, you can get a powerful flying vessel that has some extraordinary abilities. New to the mix, the Mothership Core can be a real game changer early on. Any Protoss player looking to succeed in life should constantly have vision either in their enemies base, or at least on the pathways in and out. Due to the expensive nature of their units, it is important to have constant knowledge of your enemy. The other units are all quite powerful also, but a little more situational.