There’s also a Librarian Villager as well as a Cleric Villager Villagers can still sleep in the Nether and the End without their beds exploding. When lightning strikes within 3–4 blocks of a villager, the villager is replaced by a witch who can't despawn. Villagers will breed autonomously, but need doors and need to be willing in order to spawn baby villagers. To do this, you need to add beds to your village. Use Two tags “Profession” and “Career” to spawn a villager with the required profession. To use a spawn egg, right click it on the ground. Sometimes players will use certain simplified in-game commands to spawn random villagers such as: /summon villager. *edit* according to mama berry, you can trade with one of the purple robed 'cleric' villagers in the village, near the starting spawn in the Elytra tutorial world, a couple of times.1 block above wherever you run the command. 4 and was wondering if anyone can give me a command that summons a villager that gives you mending for 1 emerald. This is a multi-step process but is the only way to get a villager from nothing (Zombie Villagers spawn randomly like other monsters). In single player only one will spawn at a given time. Place the bed down a short distance away.

Let's implement a longer code for the command: /summon Villager ~1 ~ ~ Can be used to create a Farmer and a Cleric villager, respectively. For example, you use the minecraft:spawn_librarian spawn event to summon a librarian villager: /summon villager X Y Z minecraft:spawn_librarian Spawn events also exist for farmers (minecraft:spawn_farmer), clerics (minecraft:spawn_cleric), armorers (minecraft:spawn_armorer), and butchers (minecraft:spawn_butcher). Traders: Farmer, Librarian, Mason, Cleric, Cartographer, Fletcher, Toolsmith, Shephard, Armorer, Fisherman, Leatherworker, Butcher, Weaponsmith, Piglins - how to trade? spawn a cleric villager by using the brewing stand and 1 bed 2. As you trade through a villager, new trades will certainly be unlocked. The ChunkBase Village Finder is not 100 percent accurate, so you may find yourself near (but not in) a village. For example, you could summon a villager with. The Wandering Trader will spawn within 48 blocks of the player at the start of the game. This means that the baby villager needs to be able to path-find the bed it can’t be in an unreachable spot.