This show is produced in collaboration with the Leisure Illuminati. MATERIALS REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE Middleground, a Pacific Northwest LARP Venue DnD 5e Spells referenced in this episode Miracle Raise Dead Resurrection Revivify DnD 3.x spells referenced in this episode – See the Spell Compendium (affiliate link) Revenance Revivify DnD 5e source books referenced Eberron: Rising From the Last War (affiliate link) Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (affiliate link) Pathfinder 2e source book referenced Core Rulebook (affiliate link) Guns and Gears (affiliate link) Special thanks to Asher Ely of the Critical Fails Podcast on the Monsterizer winner assist. Special thanks to for this week’s question of the week. Wolf also gives us some insight into the world of Live Action Roleplaying (LARP).

We discuss preparing for planned deaths, handling unplanned deaths, and how to come back from both (both literally and figuratively). In this episode of the RPGBOT.Podcast, we discuss character death in tabletop RPGs with special guest Wolf, co-owner of the Seattle LARP Grounds.